Sunday, March 20, 2011

What a Quick Week.

Every week seems to go by more quickly than the last.

This week was no exception. It has passed in a whirlwind of school, scrumptious New Zealand cuisine, and a trip to the Coromandel Peninsula.

Schoolwork is beginning and, per usual, I am feeling a bit stressed by the looming prospect of grades. It is rather comforting to know that spring break is in three short weeks, yet strange as I only started school two weeks ago. I am not complaining. Wednesday marked the first day I sat down at my desk and did work at home. Good for me, huh? Perhaps that puts the productivity of the previous week and a half in question...

One aspect of New Zealand that I was not expecting and has been wonderful: the food. Everything is very fresh and meals frequently consist of three vegetable sides and a main dish. This week brought an especially wonderful meal and time to connect with more people: a barbeque get-together between the six families hosting the IES students from Christchurch. A table laden in fresh vegetables and salads was coupled with grilled entrees and recently baked desserts. Num. My host mother has graciously agreed to teach me how to cook. I sincerely hope we are successful in our risky endeavor. It will be interesting.

This weekend I, along with my friend Katie, accompanied Jan and Chris (my host parents) to their beach house in Pauanui on the Coromandel Peninsula. Their daughter and her family also went and it was a rowdy, loud, and crazy place during the day. I have never been witness to that much laughter, that many tears, and that loud of noise in such a short space of time. It was fun. Chris gave Katie and me a surfing lesson and we, to our surprise, did relatively well for our first time. I would love to try again some day. The nights were wonderfully peaceful (thanks to the four sleeping children) and filled with fire-cooked pizza, chinese lanterns, and laughter. I am incredibly blessed to be part of this family for the short time I am here.

Today brought some more beach time and the trip home. I am a bit drained and the school week looms ahead, but as I look back over my time here, it has passed so quickly. So too will the schoolwork and difficulties ahead of me this week. I am simply looking forward to the joys, and laughs to come. There will even be some dancing on Wednesday at the Bassnectar concert!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed when you were talking about having never experienced so much noise, etc...that much REALLY be a rowdy family if they outdo ours! :) Bryan would probably have a seizure or something if he ever spent any time with
