Thursday, February 24, 2011

Off to Auckland

The last few days in Springfield have been days of recovery, reflection, and evaluation. It has been wonderful to be able to shower, eat home cooked food, and have a chance to relax without the frequent rumble of aftershocks.

Nevertheless, the continuing efforts at recovery and rescue within Christchurch are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. The death toll has risen over a hundred and is estimated to continue its climb. Power and water are being gradually restored throughout the city and student volunteers are assembling en force to help out wherever they are needed. We have been kept updated via the news and I know the tragedy is not far from anyone's mind.

A new big decision arose for me yesterday. After the earthquake and it's disastrous effects, I knew that the program in Christchurch for us was in jeopardy of being cancelled and transferred to Auckland. I received a barrage of emails yesterday from both IES (my study abroad program) and the University of Canterbury delivering updates about possible opening dates and decisions. The University announced that it did not expect to open any earlier than March 14th and IES offered us the opportunity to transfer to Auckland if we wanted. As this is over two weeks away, all of us were a bit unsure of what to do with that time or whether it would be better to go to Auckland.

Through the night we discussed the benefits, drawbacks, and unknowns of the decision. A few members of my program knew immediately they desired to remain in Christchurch. Some were unsure about the change. Others were seriously considering Auckland.

I was in the middle. I can see the benefits of changing schools: a normal school calender with long breaks, no aftershocks/earthquakes, working infrastructure in the city, new opportunities to experience the North Island, and many more. At the same time, I love Christchurch. It has been incredibly welcoming and the people have been helpful and kind. I was ready to begin learning in my classes and living with my flatmates. I was excited about the organizations I was beginning to get involved in. I am settled here.

When I went to bed last night, my gut feeling was to stay in Christchurch and help as much as I can. God calls us to help those in need. There are certainly people in need in Christchurch. This morning, I was still feeling led to stay.

In a twist of fate, IES has decided to transfer all of us to the University of Auckland. I received a text and email from the program this afternoon highlighting the details of the move and the necessary paperwork needed.

I am still in shock. I cannot say I'm upset. I cannot say I'm disappointed. Instead, I am simply shocked. When studying abroad, one prepares mentally for the setting, interactions, and academics one will face when they arrive. I prepared for the University of Canterbury in Christchurch. This is not to say that I am not excited about Auckland. The North Island has many exciting and beautiful areas. It will still be possible to travel to the South Island during breaks. I will have the opportunity to meet more people and experience a different city.

The situation is interesting, unexpected, and surprising. Nevertheless, I am determined to make the best of it. It's my study abroad experience and I would rather spend it being positive, enjoying everything as much as I can, and being present. I am blessed to be alive and well. There are those without those simple luxuries in a city not too far from me now. I can't complain about moving. God will continue to work here in Christchurch as well as an Auckland. I just have to follow His lead. At the moment, it appears I am headed for the North Island and all that awaits there.

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